October 9, 2019
September 11, 2021

Arreis Automation - how could it benefit your business?

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Are you a business that:

  • has contracts for multiple types of arrangements?
  • sometimes discovers mistakes (or hangovers from previous deals) in your contracts?
  • requires efficiency when preparing contracts?
  • enters into commercial transactions without contracts - because you don’t have time to properly document the arrangement?
  • can’t justify the cost of having a lawyer assist you with all of your contracts?

If the answer to any of the above questions is YES, then Arreis Automation could be of benefit to you. 

Sierra Legal’s new division (Arreis Automation) assists businesses to develop their own template documents, and then builds and hosts bespoke web apps for those businesses – enabling businesses to quickly and easily generate their own contracts and other documents themselves from an online platform.

To find out how Arreis Automation can benefit your business and to see a demo, please visit - https://www.sierralegal.com.au/arreis. Otherwise follow us on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on legal developments.

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